Wingdings Type Specimen

An Exploration into the Wingdings typeface

Intrigued by dingbat typefaces, I decided to explore this particular style of typefaces further. This project dives into one of the most popular dingbat typefaces - Wingdings.

Personal project

Type specimen


Wingdings is the dingbat typeface available on most Microsoft computers typeface. I was interested in developing a type specimen sheet for this unique type and how to explore the characteristics of a typeface that contains no letterforms to analyze. Therefore, I relied heavily on the visual medium and the way the image-icons interact with the Roman letterforms to express the narrative throughout the specimen book.

  • From the start, I knew I wanted to emphasize on the playfulness and whimsical nature of the image-based typeface. Therefore, a key part of my brainstorming was to design the text in visually engaging ways. I experimented with horizontally flipping the Roman letterforms so that although the text is still readable, it adds another element of fun into the design. I also experimented with overlapping icons and Roman letterforms to create an element of interest.

  • A challenge I encountered was creating the type specimen for a typeface that was not readable. How would I convey the message of the type specimen booklet if it wasn’t legible? While I could have created an aesthetic booklet aimed at highlighting the various dingbats, I wanted the publication to be informative as well as visually engaging.

  • I imagined Wingdings as a text in a foreign language and began looking for ways to incorporate both the "English" and icons together. I selected Lucida Sans for my English type, as Wingdings was originally designed to be used with Lucida Sans. I did not want the English text to be simply be a translation of what was written in Wingdings, as this was not an actual foreign language. Therefore, I found ways of incorporating the two into a visual set. Each language complemented the other and worked off of each other without being a direct translation.


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