Judy’s Punch 2020

Chrysalis: A Time of Great Change

Judy’s Punch is an annual magazine made by and for women and non-binary students from the University of Melbourne.

As one of the graphics sub-editors for the magazine, I curated my spread designs.

Kiara Allis - Cover design

Printed publication


Judy’s Punch is an annual publication that has a theme for each magazine. For 2020, the theme was “Chrysalis” - focusing on the changing and unprecedented era of lockdowns and uncertainty. This edition is a reflection of the historic events of 2020, through poetry, writings and musings of a time of great uncertainty.

  • Creating this publication design was an interesting and exciting experience, as I collaborated with other people whilst in lockdown. We managed zoom calls and exchanged Slack messages back and forth to put together this edition.

    With the drab and gloom atmosphere around, we knew that the intention of the Chrysalis publication was to be fun and playful. Therefore, I stepped outside my comfort zone and completed a more illustrative spread design than I would typically create. After a read through, I used angel wings for the "Ungodly Hours" review and chose a bright and cheerful colour palette to complement the upbeat song. For "Dawning" and "Heroine" I slightly varied my illustrative style to add an element of interest. However, throughout all my spreads I chose to create a two-column spread and that was consistent across my designs.



